Recharge, rebalance, revitalize with Reiki & Chakra Balancing

Grounding in nature to stay in alignment with self and spirit.

Treat yourself to a Forest Bathing mini-retreat and see what you have been missing.

Recharge, rebalance, revitalize with Reiki & Chakra Balancing
Reiki energy healing & chakra balancing, intuitive insights, Soul Adventure mini retreats, forest bathing, coaching & more!

About Susan
Reiki Energy Healer
Spiritual Intuitive
Intuitive Coach
Life Transitions Guide
Soul Adventures Guide
Forest Bathing Guide
Infinite Possibilities Trainer
Death Doula
Ordained Minister
While I have been called an empath, lightworker, earth angel, healer, life guide and intuitive throughout my life, it wasn't until the last decade that I started to feel a stirring in my soul which led me to what I'm doing today.
Hi. I'm Susan. I'm a compassionate Reiki Energy Healer, Spiritual Intuitive, Intuitive Life Path Coach, and your Soul Adventure Mini Retreat Guide. I moved to Eureka Springs Arkansas from Sedona Arizona following Spirit's calling to be a beacon of light in the Ozarks and to help others on their life path.
I am certified in Shamballa Reiki I & II, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) I & II and I call in God, Spirit, all angels, guides and beings of the light into our sessions asking to be clear channel and vessel for their healing, miracles and messages. I am also a trained and tested Psychic Medium although I preferred to be called a Spiritual Intuitive, as well as a Certified End of Life Doula and Grief Guide, Forest Bathing Guide, an Infinite Possibilities Certified Trainer, an Ordained Minister, artist, and a Marketing Consultant. Can you tell I'm an Aquarian?
It is my honor to guide you along your spiritual life path to help you tune in, heal, and grow your consciousness. Be assured that you will be held in a loving, safe, light-filled and sacred space during our sessions. I look forward to sharing my light with you!
~ Susan