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Susan KL
Dec 25, 202411 min read
Reiki Energy Healing Defined
What is Reiki Energy Healing? You may be wondering, what exactly what IS Reiki energy healing. Here is an extensive overview so that  you...

Susan KL
Jul 31, 20243 min read
Music is the Heart of the Soul
Have you noticed how much music sets the mood? When things are challenging and I am feeling contemplative...

Susan KL
Apr 24, 20243 min read
Hiking in Arkansas: The Gifts of Going Alone
Walking up to the trailhead, I smile seeing the green canopy of spring filling out the trees and dotting my view with wildflowers...

Susan KL
Feb 10, 20223 min read
Signs from Heaven
Repeating numbers like 11:11, cardinals, dragonflies, lights going on and off, a certain scent, a thought about a passed loved one that...

Susan KL
Jun 20, 20213 min read
This One's for You, Dad
Honoring our loved ones who have passed over can be as simple as holding the thought of them in our hearts, reviewing our memories...

Susan KL
May 31, 20212 min read
Roadside Memorials: A Reminder of the Last Breath
On this Memorial Day when we honor veterans who never returned home, it has me thinking about all of the roadside memorials I’ve seen...

Susan KL
Feb 25, 20212 min read
Stepping into Faith
I'd be so lost without my faith . But there was a long period of time when I flinched every time I heard the words God or the Lord.

Susan KL
Feb 21, 20212 min read
A Journey from Birth to Death
From birth to death, we journey to the heart...

Susan KL
Feb 12, 20213 min read
Spreading More Seeds
People often ask me to talk about the spiritual experiences I’ve had, wondering which ones were the most profound and life-changing.

Susan KL
Jan 3, 20214 min read
The Journey Starts with a Seed
It’s not unusual for traumatic events to kickstart spiritual awakenings. Near Death Experiences, being involved in an accident, and...

Susan KL
Dec 28, 20201 min read
Bringing the Spirit of Passed Loved Ones Closer to You
This time of year stirs up all kinds of memories of loved ones who have passed over. As humans, we often miss their physical presence,...
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